Alcohol By Volume

List of Top Beer Alcohol Content And Calories

Before you lift the pint of your favorite beer, have you taken a moment to think about the calories in beer or regarding the average alcohol content of beer? Do you want to find out? In this blog, we are presenting the top 50 beer alcohol content list.

This list will help the readers to make a better choice of alcohol consumption.

There’s no wonder people have different beers as their favorites. Sometimes they prefer drinking light and sometimes the strong ones. But have you ever thought about what makes them light or strong? It’s the difference in their alcohol and calorie content.

BrandsABVCaloriesPer OZ
Blue Moon Beer5.4%17012
Miller Lite 4.2%9612
Moosehead Lager5%14412
Natural Light 4.2%9512
Coors Light 4.2%10212
Budweiser 5%14512
XXXX Beer3.5%10912
Iron Jack Beer3.5%100
Bro Code Beer5%14412
Furphy Beer4.4%13812
Natural Ice Beer5.9%13012
Helles Lager4.8%15012
Vienna Lager5.2%14712
Three Floyds Zombie Dust6.2%19012
Gose Beer4.9%14612
Goose Island IPA5.9%20612
Zombie Dust6.4%19012
Sour Monkey9.5%28512
Devils Backbone Vienna Lager5.2%14712
New Belgium Citradelic6.0%17612
Helium Beer5%36012
Oculto Beer6%18012
Simba Beer8%145
Boom Beer7%90
Keystone Light 4.13%10412
Bud Light 4.2%11012
Bud Light Lime4.2%11612
Coors Banquet 5%14912
Miller High Life 4.6%14312
Corona Extra 4.6%14812
Newcastle Brown Ale 4.7%13812
Budweiser Jim Beam6.2%18612
Bud Light Orange4.2%14212
Corona Familiar4.8%15712
Michelob Ultra Pure Gold3.8%11412
Kingfisher Beer4.8%14012
Modelo Chelada3.5%29012
Corona Refresca4.5%19912
White Claw5150
Four Loko8%
Corona Seltzer4.5%90
Delirium Tremens8.5%200


Through this source of information, you will learn about worldwide beers in the context of abv level, carbs, and calories. Among many consumers, the use of alcohol can go unlimited.

It can be harmful. However, consumers mainly forget to concentrate on important beer factors. Without a doubt, beer taste is important. But, here you will find other significant elements.

You might be shocked to see some results. But beers aren’t as light as we always thought them to be. Here, the different beer alcohol is not mentioned to criticize any brand.

As per medical experts, it is recommended that you should know to what extent alcohol percentage in beer should be consumed? When you’ll be having an idea about how many calories are there in a beer, you’ll plan your course of drink accordingly.

Health should always be a priority and you can maintain it well by going through this beer alcohol content list. Start from the beginning and reach till the end, taking halts at the beers you prefer drinking and upgrading your knowledge about the calories in it and its ABV. That’s how to plan your drink smartly!

What Is The Alcohol Content of Beer?

The alcohol content of beer gives a mathematical impression of how much pure alcohol does a particular drink contains. For example, Yuengling beer abv is 4.4% and Hamm’s beer abv is 4.7%. It is an average alcohol content percentage.

Beer alcohol content list may confuse you upon what makes beer high-quality and low-quality. Well! The question is very usual. But, the answer is quite complex.

In some countries, the highest alcohol beer content marked as high-quality beer. In other countries, the quote is reversed. To understand this concept, let’s take a glimpse of the benefits and effects of the average how much alcohol is in beer.

Note: “Average alcohol content of beer” can be considered high among some drinkers, country-wise. Thus, take the following benefits and effects in concern of alcohol content beer only.

Benefits of Alcohol content

Generate immunity against Cold: Kids are generally given 1-2 tablespoons of brandy in the winter season. It is because it helps them to overcome cold and cough.

The shocking part is “brandy has the highest proof alcohol content up to 40%.” However, brandy is not comparable to beer.

Beer Alcohol Content

The highest alcohol content domestic beer valued at 65%. It is quite simple that ginger beer abv is safe for kids. It prevents the generation of cold. The technique comes from 1993 and has not harmed anyone yet.

Reduces the risk of Dementia: Memory loss is common among the elder’s generation worldwide. Alcohol allows the damaged brain cells to self-cure. It improves the blood circulation and respiratory system. Thus, the import of oxygen to the brain remains normal.

It allows the body to stay free from stress as healthy brain cells bring positivity. Beer with high alcohol content is useful to help brain cells function perfectly.

Avoids the risk of Type-2 Diabetes: The myth “alcohol causes diabetes” is logically false. An alcohol consumer with favoritism for corona drinks one to three glasses of it daily. The statement may sound unhealthy, but studies say “corona beer alcohol content is 4.5%. It is an average limit.

It is noteworthy to mention that the risk of type-2 diabetes is more among the non-alcohol drinkers than the Corona drinker. Why? Average beer alcohol balances the sugar level in the body and ensures that it metabolizes during alcohol digestion by the liver.

Avoid the Risk of Mental Illness: As mentioned earlier, light beer abv allows the brain to function perfectly. It brings positive brain cells to production.

“What is the typical alcohol content of beer?” could be the next question for the consumers to make the right choice. Beer may contain 3% abv to 70% abv depend on production. Modelo abv limits to 4.4%. It is considered a healthy percentage.

Effects of highest Alcohol Content Beer

Brain cell damage: The quote “everything is good up to a limit” applies here. Although average beer alcohol content prevents the brain from falling into depression and anxiety, there’s another side of the coin.

Excessive alcohol content beer can damage 86 billion brain cells at a time. It is a proven side-effect of high alcohol content consumption. What beer has the highest alcohol content? Snake Venom is the highest alcohol content beer with abv limited at 65.7%. It is a deadly invention.

High blood alcohol concentration: This effect does not only cause damage to the human body but also has legal consequences. Consumption of high alcohol content beer can cause alcohol to mix into bloodstreams. It increases the blood alcohol concentration which causes intoxication among the consumers.

BAC higher than 0.35% can lead to the death of the alcohol consumer.

Cardiac Arrest: It is important to judge the quality of beer by alcohol percentage rather than price. Consumption of the highest alcohol content beer can lead to cardiac arrest.

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a known term in the medical world. It includes the heart problems that consumption of alcohol compliments.


Alcohol may have caused you to trouble with confusing thoughts. According to people around you, alcohol can be both a medicinal liquid and venom that works slowly. However, as per our research, both statements can be true. It truly depends on the “alcohol content of beer.”

“Cheers to healthy alcohol consumption next time.”