Alcohol By Volume

Pink Whitney Vodka

Pink Whitney Vodka Alcohol Content Makes It A Perfect Fit For New Amsterdam Drinking Adventure

The Pink Whitney Vodka is a celebratory alcoholic drink dedicated to NHL Player Ryan Whitney. On 3rd September 2019, Pink Whitney Vodka broke all the stereotypes and launched a fire in the world of premium alcoholic drinks. Alcohol drinkers could no longer relate the “pink” coloured alcohol to Vodka for “sissy,” Pink Whitney alcohol content makes sure of that!

With that being said, you must want to order a glass of Pink Whitney as soon as you enter the bar. Isn’t it thrilling? But, before you do so, there are many things to know about this drink and its connection with the New Amsterdam Vodka adventure. 

To get your thrill going, you will be surprised to know that at one point of time in 2019, P.W. went viral on the internet and scored a high-end reputation in the market before it finally hit sales in alcohol stores.

Since NHL player R.Whitney inspires the drink, consumers may consider its taste to be intense and less aromatic. But, apparently, Ryan takes pleasure in a mouthful of sweet & sour beverages, as he mentioned during his podcast. 

Henceforth, today we are going to shout out to Pink Whitney Vodka and eight facts about it that will get your “thrill” going! 

1. Pink Whitney is the latest legacy of New Amsterdam Vodka

For the past few years, the New Amsterdam Vodka products list was sticking to “5X Distilled and 3X Filtered” vodka drinks in different flavours. From New Amsterdam Juice to Bloody Mary, the company has covered all of it. But, thanks to Ryan Whitney, the concept of Pink Whitney Vodka went on a podcast and became a trending topic on Twitter. 

Even in 2020, Twitter users often share “#PinkWhitney – the obsession continues” posts. Up until then, the idea of Vodka in pink colour was off the table for international vodka companies. 

Therefore, the New Amsterdam Vodka company took the first shot on the trend and end-up building a legendary drink that will live long. 

2. The Story behind it

According to Ryan Whitney’s podcast in early 2018, he went on talking to his listeners about his favourite free-time cocktail drink. He told the world that he likes New Amsterdam vodka dipped in pink lemonade.

As far as creativity is concerned here, it was simple. But, Ryan’s fan following on the internet made this idea viral. Not long after, New Amsterdam, Barstool Sports, and Spittin’ Chiclets came together to make this dream come true. 

Of course, things worked out for Ryan as he no longer had to prepare and customize pink new Amsterdam at home. Instead, he can buy a bunch of Pink Whitney bottles available at $19.99. 

3. Pink Whitney Vodka Alcohol Content is not as light as “PINK.”

According to the stereotype, pink coloured alcohol drinks are considered light in both flavour and ABV. However, this illogical concept does not fit when we talk about Pink Whitney Vodka Alcohol Content. In the United States, a robust alcoholic vodka contains 40% alcohol content on average. However, cheap and local Vodka has not more than 20 to 25% abv but claims to contain higher in the label. 

But Pink Whitney vodka stands out. Its alcohol percentage stands at 30% per 60 proof, neither too strong nor too light. It is definitely a go-to choice for celebratory occasions and classic drinking sessions after work. 

Not only this, but all over the world, YouTubers have come forward and done some tremendous cocktail-making experiments with Pink Whitney. They turned out to be excellent in results related to taste, intoxication, and flavour.

4. How to drink Pink Whitney? Is it tricky? 

Want to give your pink Whitney vodka a new twist? Well! As the advertisement defines, Pink Whitney Vodka is a ready-to-serve drink either chilled with ice rocks or topped with club soda. These two ways are not tricky. However, you can surely polish up your weekend with homemade pink Whitney cocktail recipes. Here are a few bests for your reference: 

Berry Lemonade


  • Pink Whitney New Amsterdam (2 ounces)
  • Blue Curacao (1 ounce)
  • Raspberry lemonade (8 ounces)
  • Frozen berries (4)


  • Take a cocktail shaker. 
  • Put a few ice cubes.
  • Take a quarter cup of frozen berries, add to the cocktail shaker. 
  • Now, start adding drinks, one at a time.
  • When done, shake it well.
  • Strain it in a glass. 

Note: avoid pouring it directly into a glass. Otherwise, you will have to deal with seeds in your drink. 

Pink Whitney Slush

Amid the Summer weekend, you may not love a pure pink Whitney. In this case, a touch of slushy crushed ice can make your drink experience improvised to a refreshing level. Here’s how to prepare it: 


  • Water (1.75 cups)
  • Pink Whitney vodka (1.5 cups)
  • Pink lemonade (freeze beforehand)
  • Absolut Vodka (single cup)
  • Grapefruit juice (2x filtered)
  • Lime juice (single lime)


Take a large bowl. Add all the pink Whitney slush ice-cold ingredients together. Whisky until the texture and colour of the entire cocktail are the same. Now, seal the bowl and freeze it for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Stir it after 24 hours. Make sure you prevent the crushed ice texture. At last, serve it in martini glasses with mint garnish at the top. You can also rim it with salt and garnish it with lemon (optional). 

Note: You can also prepare pink Whitney if you are having guests over. This slush remains tasteful and unexpired for one month in a sealable container. The condition is that it is kept in the freezer. 

Pink Whitney Champagne Cocktail

Want to celebrate a big occasion with reputed champagne? But can’t you get over the obsession and refreshing tarty taste of Pink Whitney? Well! Why don’t you make a cocktail out of it? Yes! Pink Whitney Champagne Cocktail sounds like a new thing you are going to do this summer weekend. Here’s how to make it: 


  • Pink Whitney vodka 60 proof/30% ABV
  • Champagne-like X-Rated Fusion liquor
  • Raspberries (to vouch-in the pinkish and sweet flavour)


Take a champagne flute (a type of glassware specially made for champagne). Further, Drop 1 ounce of Pink Whitney vodka to it. Fill the rest of the flute with chilled champagne. Finally, add 2-3 raspberries to the flute. And you are done!

It is one of the easiest and quickest to make Pink Whitney drinks at home. 

5. Pink Whitney Vodka Gluten-free? Cannot guarantee!

For the most part, the New Amsterdam vodka series are acknowledged for their 5X distillation and 3X Filtration features during the making of vodkas. However, the exact process was also undertaken for Pink Whitney.

It is one of the reasons why bartenders claim that Pink Whitney is gluten-free. But, it is also noteworthy that the anti-gluten quality of Pink Whitney New Amsterdam is nowhere on the label. Therefore, it always remains a risky deal. 

Alcohol consumers often put pressure over P.W.’s fact through a 5X distillation and 3X filtration process. Henceforth, all the gluten remains removable during such hardcore distillation. Yet, there is no research on Pink Whitney that proves these facts. Subsequently, if you are gluten sensitive, it is advised to order P.W. at your own risk. 

6. “Not A Big Deal” on P.W.’s logo. What does it mean? 

It is rather shocking for a famous alcohol brand to put “not a big deal” in its logo. However, there’s no doubt that Pink Whitney’s success came out beyond a big deal. It indeed changed the face of New Amsterdam Spirits company in the market. In actuality, Pink Whitney’s launch party was officially called “Not. A.Big.Deal.” 

Till today, the reason behind calling it a “not a big deal” drink is unknown. Yet, it brings out curiosity among consumers and undoubtedly adds to its sales at the local level. 

This drink’s obsession among amateur drinkers is very evident on social media. 

7. Sold 1 Million Bottle within a month

New Amsterdam Spirits Company, combined with Ryan Whitney’s name alongside elite brands like Barstool Sports and Spittin’ Chiclets, Pink Whitney made it to shelves early in August for pre-booking.

The vodka brand had a big opening before it was made available for regular consumers. You will be surprised to know that the brand sold off 1 million bottles within a month only after launch. 

Today, Pink Whitney has become a ubiquitous yet reputed flavoured drink in the industry. From classic drinkers to celebratory events, P.W. has heard more cheers than typical vodkas.

8. Pink Whitney Calories are higher than you expect

When is Pink Whitney Vodka Alcohol Content 30%, an average percentage – why pink Whitney may feel heavy after two shots? For the most part, one of the main ingredients in P.W. Drink is sugar.

According to the ingredient statistics, 1.5 ounces of Pink Whitney contain up to 6.6 grams of sugar. Hence, making one shot equivalent to 65 calories. For comparison, here’s an instance for you: a 12-ounce beer pint contains 100 to 120 calories on average. 

Therefore, two shots of Pink Whitney can make you feel like you have consumed a whole pint of beer already. 

Bottom line

If you are on a new adventure to New Amsterdam, don’t forget to dive into its new legacy – Pink Whitney. Summon us for information.