Dark swan sour Ale by Lagunitas Brewing Company in California has been quite popular. Do you want to know everything about Dark Swan? Well! You are on the right platform. To start with, it is a wild-fermentation complemented with dark red wine grapes. The hopping characteristic of this beer creates excitement among the drinkers. Undoubtedly, the attraction inferno of Dark Swan has is being received proficiently.

What is Lagunitas Dark Swan Sour Ale?

The secret behind the wildfire of the popularity of Dark swan is its dark color. Indeed, it is quite deep and unique. To the readers’ surprise, it is purple. Although you may not feel the pure purple while drinking it. Of course, you must have a deep and tasteful mouthfeel.

Dark Swan Sour Ale

The strange appearance of this beer may feel enjoyable with every sip. You can choose to drink Lagunitas Dark swan clone to excite your taste buds with the flavor of hops and petite Sirah grapes. Feel exotic, sweet and sour in one glass of Dark swan.

What is Dark swan alcohol content?

Lagunitas Dark swan abv limits to 7.9%. It is above the average alcohol content limit. This beer knocks off a whitehead or foamy crown when poured. With every sip, you can feel the smooth texture of the drink in the mouth.

How many calories in Lagunitas Dark Swan sour Ale?

There are a total of 261 calories in Dark swan beer. It is a high-calorie limit. By choosing this beer over any low-calorie beer, you can take pleasure in the ecstasy of alcohol. You need no high-end fried snacks to compliment your beer mouthfeel with Dark swan.

Is Dark swan gluten-free?

Yes! Dark swan by Lagunitas is free of gluten content. Now, you can enjoy your beer without compromising on your gluten-free diet. It contains blackberry tarts, soft malts, fruity hops, and red wine. It has amazing nutritious qualities with exceptional light aromatic qualities.

“Get a thrill out of Lagunitas best beer–dark swan. Beer at its best!”

ABV: 8.7%
IBU: 23

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