Alcohol By Volume

Modelo Chelada – A Mexican Delight!

A perfect drink to kick-start your Friday evening; Modelo Chelada is a michelada-style beer. Loaded with a lot of flavors this cocktail beer is quite refreshing and filled with a little bit of heat too.

Chelada Modelo is an authentic Mexican cocktail made up of beer, tomato, salt, and lime. However, Mexican beer is a key ingredient to prepare this Chelada.  

What is a Chelada?

Modelo Chelada

Chelada is a word derived from the Spanish word ‘Michelada’ which is a Mexican cocktail made up of tomato juice, beer, and spices. the term ‘Michelada’ means ‘my cold beer’.

What Does This Mexican Cocktail Taste Like?

With ingredients like tomato and lime, this Chelada has a plum rose color and low carbonation which leaves a lace of foam when poured in a glass. As bloody mary, this also smells like tomatoes at the fore. The taste is overpowered by tomato and salt, followed by a malty taste of beer in the end. Lime does a good job in the background and overall it gives a fruity tone to it.

Modelo Chelada Especial

A Mexican brewery Grupo Modelo S.A. de C.V. came up with these ready to drink cans of Chelada made with their Modelo beers named as Modelo Chelada Especial. Moreover, Grupo Modelo is a large exporter of beers like Corona, pacific and Modelo. 

Modelo Chelada ABV

This offering by Grupo Modelo comes housed in a 24 fl oz can. Modelo Chelada alcohol content is very low as compared to other beers. A can contains 3.5% Modelo ABV.

Modelo Chelada Calories

contains a total of 290 calories in a 24 oz can. Also, it has 0g fats and 17g carbohydrates.

Other products by Grupo Modolo

After releasing the Chelada Especial, Grupo Modelo launched two other variants of it-

Modelo Chelada Tamarindo Picante

A mixture of beer tomato salt and lime combined with tamarind and chipotle peppers, Modelo Chelada tamarindo is another cocktail offered by Grupo Modelo.

With a dark red color and very less carbonation, this drink offers a sweet taste at first followed by a spicy one. Moreover, this is an authentic Cerveza preparada with a low 3.3% ABV and is available at stores all around the year.  

Modelo Chelada Limón y Sal

Another variation added to the list, this Mexican beer is a mixture of lemon, salt, and beer. Limon y Sal has a 3.5% ABV with 290 calories in a 24 oz can.  

These beer cans are very affordable and start from $2 a can. If you are very fond of tomatoes then you can grab tamarindo Picante that will give a good tomato punch. Or if you just want something light and refreshing to drink to beat that summer heat you can go for Limón y Sal which tastes only lemons and salt. A Chelada with a perfect balance of spices and beer, these are perfect for a summer pool time!