Alcohol By Volume

Angry Orchard Rosé

Facts About Angry Orchard Rose That You Might Never Know

Cider making has been underway for a considerable length of time. At the point when water was rare or sullied, cider was the go-to drink. At the point when wine was a similar old, same old, cider was a pleasant invigorating change. After some time, cider turned into the redheaded stepchild of fermented beverages since it was not by any stretch of the imagination beer, not exactly wine, and certainly not a soul. That is, until 2011, when Angry Orchard Rose went ahead of the scene with an inventive understanding of hard cider.

A backup of Boston Beer Company, Angry Orchard burst out of the fields and into the commercial center in 2011, going national in 2012.

Since 1995, Boston Beer Company had been discreetly investigating cider, exploring different avenues regarding plans and flavors, attempting different systems until they got only the correct flavor profile, with the ideal measure of sweetness, tannins, and acidity. Angry Orchard’s underlying flavors were Apple Ginger, Traditional Dry, and Crisp Apple.

Starting at now, Angry Orchard Rose has Core Ciders (Crisp Apple, Rosé, Green Apple, Easy Apple, Pear Cider, and Stone Dry), Seasonal Ciders (Cinnful Apple and Summer Honey), and their little cluster, aged on oak Ciderhouse Collection.

Angry Orchard Alcohol Content

Being a hard cider, it is clear that the beverage contains alcohol, what it’s really important to know is the quantity of the alcohol present in the drink. This comes with the concern of knowing the Angry Orchard alcohol content.

People these days enjoy a lot drinking the different flavors of Angry Orchard Rose but never bother to know about the alcohol content in it. Similar to the beer, this hard cider contains 5% ABV i.e. alcohol by volume.

Flavors of Angry Orchard

What makes Angry Orchard highly popular is the amazing range of Angry Orchard Rose flavors, providing the people with a variety to choose from. This allows them to make the choice of hard cider according to the flavors they like.

Here are the most popular flavors of Angry Orchard that one must try:

  • Angry Orchard Traditional Dry Cider: This flavor is one of the most favorite options of Angry Orchard traditional dry cider which people love to pick. This variant is quite dry and crisp and has a pleasant tart flavor that temper the sweetness. The flavor is of clear apple, just like its juice that also contains the tannins of the apple peels. If any person has a craving for traditional English dry cider, then this is the alcoholic beverage that they should prefer to pick.
  • Crisp Apple: This particular variant of Angry Orchard is quite a crisp and refreshing cider in which you’ll feel the blend of the sweetness of the apples with a subtle dryness that gives the drink a balanced cider taste.
  • Angry Orchard Rosé: The variant Angry Orchard Rosé is quite a different one from all the other options. It is made with rare, red flesh apples from France. The apples used in the drink are juicy, crisp and red to the core, which gives it an irresistible rosy blush with amazing flavors of apple with a refreshingly dry finish.
  • Cinnful Apple Cider: This variant of the drink has an aroma of red hot candies with a touch of cinnamon mulled cider. A sip of the drink feels quite comforting, similar to something which a person feels while having a delicious apple pie. This Angry Orchard beer is the sweetest of all the variants available, which makes it feels like having a dessert with each sip.
  • Apple Ginger: This is the cider, which is quite popular in the time of fall, without going to an incredible outrageous of the Cinnful Apple. Warming from the ginger and a touch spicy, while the cider runs over with a not very sweet, not very tart apple flavor.

Calories in Angry Orchard

We all know that each alcoholic beverage contains some specific amount of calories which can be a reason for our weight gain. Thus, if you love drinking Angry Orchard cider, then you should definitely be aware of the number of calories present in the drink.

Talking about the Angry Orchard calories, you might be surprised to know that one bottle of this hard cider contains 190 calories. One bottle at a party won’t matter much but if you continue drinking it one after the other, it will certainly have an adverse effect on your weight.

Moreover, if anyone is planning to lose his weight, then drinking Angry Orchard one after the other will not be an appropriate option to consider. The calorie breakdown is 0g for fat and 0g for protein.

All of it is associated with the carbs in the drink. The carbohydrates in one bottle of Angry Orchard are known to be 25g.

Ingredients in Angry Orchard

No wonder, the amazing flavor of Angry Orchard excites the people a lot. All the secret and the magic lies in the Angry Orchard ingredients which are unique in their way, especially considering it as an alcoholic beverage, the ingredients tend to be quick different and exciting.

The Angry Orchard brewery gives focus on various aspects and ingredients to prepare this amazing alcoholic beverage. The main ingredients of the drink include hard cider, natural flavors, carbon dioxide, malic acid and sulfites which are important to preserve the freshness. The fact that makes the drink more exciting is that it is Gluten-free.

Those who consider drinking this hard cider a lot, it is necessary for them to know the Angry Orchard ABV. This will help them to keep a track of the amount of alcohol they are consuming, providing them with the right idea about where to stop.

This is how one can make sure they remain healthy, even if they drink Angry Orchard hard cider, the trending alcoholic beverage.

There are a lot of factors that make Angry Orchard quite a unique option out of all the other alcoholic beverages known. The amazing and refreshing flavors of Angry Orchard makes the drink stands out from all the other hard drinks.

What remains common is the need for drinking responsibly, keeping track of the alcohol content and the calories you are consuming.